Author: Thomas De Quincey
Cited by
- David Morrell (2)
- IN: Inspector of the Dead (2015) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: In the murderer worthy to be called an artist, there rages some great storm of passion -- jealousy, ambition, vengeance, hatred -- which creates a hell within him.
FROM: On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth, (1823), Essay, UK
- IN: Ruler of the Night (2016) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: I seemed every night to descend into chasms and sunless abysses, depths below depths, from which it seemed hopeless that I could ever re-ascend.
FROM: Confessions of an English Opium, (1821), Book, UK
- Maurice Leitch (1)
- IN: Seeking Mr Hare (2013) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: By the way, gentlemen, has anyone heard lately of Hare? I understand he is comfortably settled in Ireland, considerably to the west, and does a little business now and then, but only as a retailer, nothing like the fine thriving wholesale business so carelessly blown up in Edinburgh.
FROM: On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts, (1827), Essay, UK
- Val McDermid (1)
- IN: Insidious Intent (2017) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: A black scene of columny will be laid open; but you, Doctor, will make all things square again.
FROM: On Murder, Considered as One of the Fine Arts, (1827), Essay, NULL